Interested in Adopting EHR for the Growth of Your Healthcare Business?

At Mindbowser, we specialize in custom-made EMR software development services that enhance patient-doctor communication, foster interoperability, streamline clinical workflows, and bolster productivity across healthcare institutions.

We provide cloud-based electronic health record solutions designed to digitally compile comprehensive patient medical records, including treatment plans, medications, demographics, test results, immunization records, radiology images, and more.

Electronic Prescribing

Electronic Prescribing

Our e-prescribing services seamlessly link with diverse pharmacies, offering various services. Physicians transmit electronic prescriptions directly, enhancing accuracy and patient safety. We support healthcare networks, streamlining prior authorizations and expediting medication delivery, includino services like e-coupon distribution.

• Medication reconciliation
• Updated drug knowledgebase
• Pharmacy-provided comprenensive medication into
• Real-time age and weight-based dose ac ustment

Workflow Automation

Workflow Automation

The integrated workflow adapts to your preferences, empowering personalized operations. This system mirrors existing processes, revitalizing them with robotic automation and collaboration tools. Key aspects, from KPI dashboards to enterprise scheduling, are integrated with customizable options, accelerating learning, adoption, and service throughput.

•Optimize Collaboration
•Improve Productivity
•Decrease Cost and Risk
•Accelerate Revenue Cycle
•Enhance Service Quality

Electronic Labs

Electronic Labs

These services empower healthcare professionals to identify and manage patients with critical lab results, enabling access to electronic test results and improving healthcare coordination and efficient transmission of results to healthcare providers for swift decision-making. The electronic lab services we provide include:

•Regulation technology
•Signal processing
•Prototype design
•Laboratory equipment calibration •Automated quality control processes •Data encryption for heightened security

Advantages of EHR Systems Software Development

Our EHR software development services are customized to fit your unique needs, with a focus on seamless EHR integration. We collaborate closely with you to create a personalized solution that effortlessly becomes part of your workflow. Healthcare professionals can input patient data easily, generating precise digital records aligned with your specific parameters. This flexibility allows for the adaptation of the system to your unique processes and requirements, ensuring a custom EHR solution that precisely suits your needs.

Icon of Improved Patient Care

What Patients Gain?

🔹Manage Health Data
🔹Timely Healthcare
🔹Quicker Diagnoses
🔹Error-Free Records
🔹Efficient Health Management
🔹Personalized Appointments
🔹Interactive User Portal

Icon of What is Here for Providers

What is Here for Providers?

🔹Practice Efficiency
🔹Simplify Work
🔹E-Prescription Facilities
🔹Access Digital Information
🔹Seamless Communication
🔹Remote Consultations

Streamline Your EHR with Medplum Integration

Traditional EHRs can feel awkward and separated, making it harder for your healthcare processes to work smoothly and affecting how patients experience their care. But what if you could unlock agility and interoperability within your existing system?

Meet Medplum, the headless EHR platform that seamlessly integrates with your current tools, empowering you to deliver exceptional care.

At Mindbowser, we bring you the perfect blend of expertise and technology. We understand the unique challenges healthcare organizations face, and we're here to guide you through every step of your Medplum integration journey. From streamlining clinical workflows to building custom EHR interfaces, our healthcare IT specialists will create a custom solution for your needs.

Effortless Data Exchange

Effortless Data Exchange

Say goodbye to data silos! Medplum's FHIR-powered platform connects your EHR with labs, pharmacies, and other healthcare apps, fostering seamless data exchange and a holistic view of your patients.

Enhanced Patient Engagement

Enhanced Patient Engagement

Build a modern patient portal that empowers your patients to actively participate in their care. Secure messaging, appointment scheduling, and medication management are just a few ways Medplum enhances the patient experience.

Streamlined Workflows

Streamlined Workflows

Eliminate repetitive tasks and data entry burdens for your clinicians. Medplum's automation capabilities and custom EHR interfaces can make your workflows more efficient and enjoyable.

Scalability and Adaptability

Scalability and Adaptability

Medplum's platform is designed to grow with your healthcare organization. Easily scale your operations and adapt to evolving industry standards, ensuring that your technology infrastructure remains powerful and future-proof.

Essential Functionality in EHR Software Development

EHR development involves creating a system with specific features and technology to meet the needs of healthcare providers.EHR software systems are customizable to meet precise needs, including EHR integration. These functionalities play a crucial role in various healthcare initiatives.

Are You in Need of Evaluating the Cost of Your EHR Software Concept?

Our team at Mindbowser can assist with your healthcare project by providing a preliminary estimation of its timeline and cost. Reach out to us today to schedule a complimentary discussion with our adept software architects.

Essential Features for Effective EHR Development:

Seamless System Integration

Seamless System Integration

Connect with labs, pharmacies, and other systems for smooth data flow, billing, and test results.

Iterative Design & Easy Reporting

Iterative Design Reporting

Prioritize user needs throughout development, create an intuitive interface, and simplify documentation for healthcare professionals.

E-prescribing & Digital Lab Results

E-prescribing & Digital Lab Results

Reduce errors and improve care with accurate e-prescriptions and instant access to electronic test results.

Smart Scheduling & Health Consoles

Smart Scheduling & Health Consoles

Optimize appointments, access comprehensive patient data, and make informed decisions for better treatment plans.

Feasible Interface & Access Control

Feasible Interface & Access Control

Design a user-friendly interface and restrict data access based on roles and responsibilities.

Secure Access & Patient Portal

Secure Access & Patient Portal

Ensure HIPAA compliance with secure access controls and empower patients with convenient access to their records.

Patient-Centric Information

Patient-Centric Information

Present medical history clearly for patients and doctors to promote better communication and understanding.

Accurate Reporting & Data Insights

Accurate Reporting & Data Insights

Generate detailed reports on medications, demographics, procedures, and lab results for improved treatment strategies and operational insights.

Enhanced Care Through EMR Integration

Integrating EMR/EHR streamlines data sharing. In EMR development, integrations link solutions with digital systems, facilitating seamless data exchange.

EMR integrations bridge gaps in predicting outcomes. They empower providers with decision support for analysis and reporting. Combined EMR systems enable:

  • Predictive analytics
  • Medical analysis
  • Streamlined reporting

Enhanced Care Through EMR Integration

An integration links disparate platforms to convey work and data together. An EMR software development integration links an EMR solution with other digital devices or systems to enable a streamlined flow of clinical information, coordination, and communication between the systems. EMRs create a major repository of clinical information, which creates EMRs important to achieving information-driven outcomes. However, many EMRs do not have the rich predictive and data analytics abilities to use them.

EMR integration provides a way to link with analytics approaches to provide adequate clinical decision help and comprehensive medical analysis and reporting.

Stages to Build an EHR Solution

If you employ a vendor like us for EHR development, our partnership will function following stages –


Concept Validation

Start with analyzing and understanding the client’s requirements by making a list of questions and getting their answers. It helps to know the end user of the clients and their requirements. Analyzing the needs helps in building a solution. Test the system with the user and include doctors and other healthcare professionals.


Finding and Prototype

In the finding stage, you need to develop a workflow of all the processes to be followed. It includes identifying the structures of the solution to a selection of tools and technologies. Once the validation and analysis are completed, a prototype is created. A prototype will help you visualize the software's functionality and offer possibilities.


Design and Development

Build a raw interpretation of the EMR development and create the initial designs for the system. With correct assistance, create components of the major sections. It will help streamline the task, track development, and conduct performance checks. The development process should follow the plan to deliver efficiency. 

Testing and Debugging

Testing and Debugging

In the testing phase, the QA team identifies the errors. They run through the development stages, identify the design and check other processes. They are knowledgeable about building a better version of the EHR system. Testing will provide continuous insights into the development process or the system's functionalities. 

We Offer Custom-Build EHR Solution Across the World

Explore our customizable, cost-efficient, and easy access solutions that fulfill your patients’ needs in a minimal time-frame.

Electronic Health Record

Electronic Health Record

Our Electronic Health Record system is aligned to meet the huge demands of an extensive and diverse network of healthcare service providers.

Billing Processes

Billing Processes

The inventory management system with EHR helps you integrate your in-office devices with our software technology and manage seamlessly.


Practice Management

We offer a comprehensive tool like practice management to improve your medical service providers’ efficiency and medical care processes.

Mobile Technology

Mobile Technology

As a mobile EHR provider, our services have an advanced cloud. We design the EHR app benefits you to provide information anytime, anywhere.

Why Choose Us for EHR Software Development?

Icon of Expertise in Deep Domain Expertise

Expertise in Healthcare Technology

As a healthcare tech experts we ensure top-notch solutions tailored to your needs, optimizing your success in the field.

Icon of Customized Solutions for Your Needs

Customized Solutions for Your Needs

We craft custom solutions, precisely tailored to meet your unique requirements, ensuring maximum efficiency.

Icon of Seamless Integration and Scalability

Seamless Integration and Scalability

We guarantee seamless integration and scalable solutions, empowering your growth without hindrance.

Icon of Compliance and Security

Compliance and Security Assurance

Choose us for compliance and security assurance, ensuring your peace of mind while focusing on your goals.

Icon of Design Thinking Led Approach

Design Thinking Led Approach

With a design thinking-led approach, we deliver innovative solutions, elevating your user experience to new heights.

Icon of Healthcare Learning Center

Healthcare Learning Center

Our healthcare learning center empowers your team with industry insights, fostering continuous growth and improvement.

Icon of Quality Boost Through Automation

Quality Boost Through Automation

Experience quality enhancement through automation with us, optimizing your processes for peak efficiency.

Icon of Clear and Open Pricing Structure

Clear and Open Pricing Structures

We offer transparent pricing structures, ensuring clarity and trust throughout our partnership.

The HealthConnect CoPilot Advantage

Supercharging EHR Integrations and Data Exchange for Streamlined Healthcare Workflows

HealthConnect CoPilot is a healthcare interoperability solution offered by Mindbowser. It can bring together electronic health records (EHRs) from various systems and wearable devices like Fitbits and Apple Watches. This combined information helps doctors give patients more personalized care.

What HealthConnect CoPilotCould Do for You?

HealthConnect CoPilot facilitates communication using the FHIR format, enabling seamless data exchange between Mindbowser's EHR software and various healthcare systems like lab equipment, wearables, and external applications.

HealthConnect CoPilot offers pre-built connectors to various healthcare data sources, eliminating the need for custom development for each integration.

HealthConnect CoPilot's HIPAA compliance and robust security features ensure patient data privacy throughout the integration process.

Streamlined data exchange gives healthcare providers real-time access to comprehensive patient information from various sources, reducing manual data entry and improving workflow efficiency.

HealthConnect CoPilot Highlights

Real-time access to a complete patient picture from EHRs, external data sources, and connected applications allows for faster and more informed clinical decisions.

A holistic view of patient information from various sources fosters improved care coordination, personalized treatment plans, and better patient outcomes.

Standardized data exchange minimizes errors associated with manual data entry between EHRs and other systems.

Eliminating custom integrations and streamlined workflows save time and resources for healthcare organizations.

Compliance-Driven Services

Our Clients​

Integration Expertise

Solution Accelerators
Image of EHRConnect


EHRConnect provides a robust API/SDK for effortless integration with major EHR systems such as EPIC and Cerner, ensuring secure data exchange with advanced authentication and authorization protocols. Its support for diverse FHIR endpoints enhances data interoperability, facilitating efficient communication.

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Image of PHISecure


PHISecure is a comprehensive solution dedicated to safeguarding Protected Health Information (PHI) within healthcare systems, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations like HIPAA. Its advanced encryption and access control features offer robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive patient data.

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Image of WearConnect


WearConnect is a wearable technology platform facilitating seamless integration between wearable devices and various applications, enhancing user experience and data accessibility. It enables efficient communication and data exchange, empowering users to leverage the full potential of their wearable devices.

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Image of SecureSphere


SecureSphere provides a holistic infrastructure management solution, facilitating swift deployment within hours. It prioritises compliance, scalability, and high performance. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates advanced monitoring tools, underscoring a commitment to security and reliability throughout the infrastructure.

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Other Services

Healthcare Software Development

What is EHR Software Development?

EHR Software Development involves creating digital systems that collect, manage, and understand medical information such as patient records, treatment plans, medications, and test results. These systems streamline healthcare processes, improve patient-doctor communication, and simplify clinical workflows.

What are the Advantages of EHR Systems?

EHR systems offer numerous benefits. For patients, they enable effortless management of personal health data, quicker access to healthcare, improved diagnosis and treatment, fewer errors in medical records, cost-efficient health management, customized appointments and reminders, and access to interactive user portals. Healthcare providers benefit from increased productivity, better interpretation of work, enhanced medical facilities, unified digital records, streamlined communication across healthcare departments, reduced errors, improved patient management, and better data for studies and services.

Is Epic an EHR software?

Yes, Epic is a widely used electronic health records (EHR) software that helps healthcare organizations manage and store patient information digitally. It offers a comprehensive platform for clinical documentation, scheduling, billing, and more, streamlining healthcare processes and enhancing the overall efficiency of medical practices and hospitals.

What Features are Essential in EHR Software?

Key features include seamless system integration to manage diverse healthcare data, digital test and laboratory result management, e-prescribing functionalities, time scheduling and management for healthcare providers, health consoles for better patient treatment, access control management, patient portals, and report generation capabilities.

How Should an EHR System be Designed?

Our development process is based on the Agile Scrum methodology. We start by defining the project scope through Design Sprint and then divide the whole project into sprints that are further divided into milestones. Each sprint goes through a demo and customer UAT. You can read more about our process here

How to Build an EHR System?

Building a successful EHR system involves finding a reliable software vendor and actively participating in every stage of the development process. The stages typically involve planning, development, testing, and deployment.

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