Imagine hurtling through your day, juggling work deadlines, family needs, and social commitments. Amidst this constant whirlwind, it's easy to neglect the most important aspect of well-being: your mental health. The good news? You're not alone. In today's frenetic world, prioritizing mental health isn't just self-care, it's essential. That's where mental health apps come in, offering discreet, convenient, and personalized support at your fingertips.

Whether you're battling chronic stress, seeking relief from anxiety, or simply aiming to boost your mood and overall emotional well-being, there's an app designed to empower your journey. These digital tools provide a spectrum of resources custom to your unique needs, from guided meditations and mindfulness exercises to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques and anonymous community forums.

But with so many options available, choosing the right app can feel overwhelming. In this article, we'll act as your guide, deconstructing the top mental health apps, and highlighting their strengths, functionalities, and potential benefits. We'll also help you navigate the factors to consider when selecting, ensuring you find the perfect companion on your path to greater mental clarity, resilience, and peace of mind.

Mental Health Apps Market Stats

The mental health software market is experiencing explosive growth, fueled by rising awareness about mental health and the convenience and accessibility these apps offer. Experts estimate the market was valued at USD 6.2 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 17.5 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2%. This expansion is driven by factors like:

🔹Increased smartphone adoption: With more people owning smartphones, access to mental health resources through apps is expanding considerably.

🔹Growing mental health awareness: The stigma surrounding mental health is decreasing, leading to more people seeking help and embracing app-based solutions.

🔹Improved treatment outcomes: Mental health apps are showing promise in improving treatment outcomes, encouraging wider adoption.
Focus on well-being: The growing emphasis on overall well-being is driving the use of apps for stress management, mindfulness, and emotional regulation.

This upward trend presents exciting opportunities for developers to create innovative and effective mental health solutions. However, ensuring data privacy, ethical practices, and integration with traditional healthcare systems remain crucial challenges to address for sustainable and responsible market growth.

Related Read: The Future of mHealth Apps: What’s Next for this Promising Technology?

Here are the Top 10 Best Mental Health Apps for 2024:

So let us begin with the list!

Infographic of Top 10 Mental Health Apps

1. Meru Health

📝Founded Year - 2016

🏢Headquarters - one in San Mateo, California, and the other in Helsinki, Finland

💰Total funding -$55.4 million

💰Revenue -$17.1 million

👔No. of Employees -110-120

Meru Health is an app-based program designed to provide comprehensive mental health care for individuals with depression, anxiety, and related conditions. It offers a combination of therapist-led sessions, digital exercises, and peer support to help users manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

The service offers evidence-based therapy delivered by licensed therapists, providing a combination of therapist-led sessions and digital exercises for comprehensive care. Additionally, it includes peer support and community features for social connection and encouragement, along with personalized treatment plans custom to user needs and preferences. With a user-friendly interface that includes secure messaging and video sessions, it strives to make therapy accessible and effective for all.

While offering evidence-based therapy from licensed professionals and personalized treatment plans through a user-friendly interface, this approach may not be ideal for everyone. For individuals seeking completely self-guided solutions or facing limitations in availability or insurance coverage, other options might be more suitable. Additionally, success requires active engagement, which some users might find challenging.

However, with a combination of therapist-led sessions, digital exercises, peer support, and community features, this program offers comprehensive care and fosters social connection, potentially benefiting many users seeking professional guidance.

Why choose Meru Health: Meru Health stands out as one of the best mental health apps due to its comprehensive, evidence-based approach to mental healthcare. It combines therapist-led sessions, digital exercises, and peer support to create personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. With its user-friendly interface and secure communication channels, Meru Health makes professional mental health support accessible and effective.

Image of Meru Health

Ready to complement your mental health journey with expert guidance and solutions?

2. Wellity

📝Founded Year - 2020

🏢Headquarters - Fremont, California United States

💰Revenue -$5 million

Wellity is a LLM integrated healthcare platform designed to assist users in managing their overall health and wellness. It offers features such as tracking physical activity, monitoring nutrition intake, and providing access to health resources and information. The app aims to empower users to make healthier lifestyle choices and improve their well-being.

This multi-faceted app offers a comprehensive approach to health management. Users can conveniently track key health indicators like exercise, diet, and sleep in one centralized location. The app leverages collected data to generate personalized recommendations and insights, aiding individuals in setting and achieving their specific health goals. Additionally, a wealth of informational resources, including articles, tips, and expert advice, is readily available within the app to support informed decision-making on the path to wellness.

The user-friendly interface facilitates seamless navigation and data input, ensuring an efficient and accessible experience. Furthermore, fostering a sense of community and motivation, the app facilitates connections with other users pursuing similar health objectives, creating a supportive and encouraging environment.

Why choose Wellity: Wellity ranks among the best mental health apps due to its holistic approach to health and wellness. The platform empowers users to take control of their overall well-being by seamlessly tracking physical activity, nutrition, and other key health indicators in one centralized app. Wellity provides personalized insights and recommendations, helping you achieve your specific health goals effectively.

Image of 3Prong Health

3. Moodkit

📝Founded Year - 2013

🏢Headquarters - London, England, United Kingdom

💰Total funding - $16.4 million

💰Revenue - $5 Million

Moodkit is an app designed to help users improve their mood and overall mental health. It offers a range of tools including mood tracking, journaling, and activities based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles. The app provides users with actionable steps to challenge negative thinking patterns and build resilience.

the company was founded in 2013 by two psychologists, and they likely bootstrapped the company in its early stages. In 2015, Thriveport partnered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to offer Moodkit to NAMI members at a discounted rate. This suggests that Thriveport may have received some funding from NAMI.

This app empowers users to improve their mood with evidence-based CBT techniques, personalized recommendations, and diverse mood-boosting tools like journaling. Though the interface might feel dated and activity customization limited, its ease of use and emphasis on user engagement make it a powerful resource for those seeking a structured approach to mental well-being.

Why choose Moodkit: Moodkit stands out among the best mental health apps by equipping users with evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) tools. Its intuitive mood tracking, journaling features, and personalized activity recommendations help improve mood and build resilience. Moodkit makes it easy to develop healthy coping strategies and cultivate a more positive mindset.

Image of Moodkit

4. Happify

📝Founded Year - 2012

🏢Headquarters - New York, United States

💰Revenue -$4.5 million

💰Total finding - $204 million

Happify is an app designed to promote emotional well-being and resilience through science-based activities and games. It offers a variety of tracks focusing on different aspects of mental health, such as reducing stress, building self-confidence, and fostering positive relationships.

While offering engaging activities, personalized tracks, progress tracking, and a supportive community, this app's gamified approach might feel simplistic for some, and its limited customization and need for consistent use may not suit everyone, especially those with severe mental health needs.

Why choose Happify: Happify's science-based activities and games offer an engaging and effective way to boost your emotional well-being. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, build self-confidence, or foster stronger relationships, Happify is among the best mental health apps. Its tracking features and supportive community can help you develop the skills and mindset to thrive.

Image of Happify

5. Headspace

📝Founded Year - 2010

🏢Headquarters - Santa Monica, California, with offices in San Francisco and London.

💰Total funding - $320 million

💰Revenue - $235 million

Headspace is a meditation and mindfulness app that offers guided meditation sessions, mindfulness exercises, and sleep content to help users reduce stress, improve focus, and sleep better. It provides structured meditation courses custom to different needs and goals, such as managing anxiety or improving productivity.

This meditation app boasts a user-friendly interface, catering to both novices and seasoned practitioners with its diverse meditation sessions. It accommodates various skill levels, from guided meditations for beginners to those custom-made for experienced users. Its inclusion of sleep content aims to enhance sleep quality, while features like progress tracking and reminders foster consistency. Themed meditation packs on topics like stress management or relationships offer targeted support.

However, the app's subscription fee might deter some users, especially considering the limited free content. Furthermore, individuals seeking unguided meditation experiences may find the app less suitable, as it primarily offers guided sessions. Nonetheless, the app underscores the importance of consistent practice for reaping long-term benefits.

Why choose Headspace: Headspace is a trusted leader in the meditation and mindfulness space, providing a user-friendly platform with guided sessions tailored to your experience level and specific needs. From improving focus to managing anxiety, Headspace's diverse content and progress-tracking features can help you cultivate a consistent mindfulness practice.

Image of Headspace

6. MindShift CBT

📝Founded Year - 2012

🏢Headquarters - Tokyo, Japan

MindShift CBT is an app designed to help individuals manage anxiety through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques. It offers tools for identifying and challenging anxious thoughts, coping strategies for various anxiety-provoking situations, and relaxation exercises.

This anxiety management app integrates evidence-based CBT techniques, offering tools to confront anxious thoughts effectively. With guided relaxation exercises and coping strategies for various anxiety-provoking situations, it's user-friendly and customizable. However, some users may find its interface less polished and customization options limited. Consistent engagement is required for long-term benefits, and it may not be suitable for severe anxiety disorders.

Why Choose MindShift CBT: MindShift CBT is a top choice among mental health apps for anxiety management. It offers evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to help users identify and challenge anxious thoughts. With guided relaxation exercises and practical coping strategies, MindShift CBT equips individuals with effective tools to navigate anxiety-provoking situations confidently.

Image of MIndshift

7. Calm

📝Founded Year - 2012

🏢Headquarters - San Francisco, California, United States

💰Total funding - $219 million

💰Revenue - $500 million

Calm is a meditation and sleep app similar to Headspace, offering guided meditation sessions, mindfulness exercises, and sleep stories to help users relax and reduce stress. It provides a range of meditation sessions for different purposes, such as improving focus, reducing anxiety, or promoting better sleep.

This meditation and mindfulness app offers a wide range of sessions and exercises, including sleep aids and customizable settings. While its user-friendly interface and daily reminders encourage regular practice, the subscription fee and limited free content may be drawbacks for some. Additionally, consistent use is necessary for long-term benefits, potentially limiting its appeal to those preferring unguided meditation.

Why Choose Calm: Calm is a versatile meditation and sleep app that offers a wide range of guided sessions, from improving focus to promoting better rest. With its soothing audio content, customizable settings, and daily reminders, Calm is one of the best mental health apps which makes it easy to incorporate mindfulness and relaxation into your daily routine.

Image of Calm App

8. Better Stop Suicide

📝Founded Year- 2022

Better Stop Suicide is an app designed to provide support and resources for individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviors. It offers tools for crisis intervention, safety planning, and connecting with mental health professionals or support networks.

This mental health support app provides immediate crisis intervention resources and safety planning tools, aiding individuals dealing with suicidal thoughts. It also offers educational materials on suicide prevention and connectivity options with professionals or support networks. Its user-friendly interface aids navigation, but it may not be sufficient for severe crises and lacks extensive customization. Active user engagement is vital for effectiveness, though accessibility may be limited for those with restricted technology access.

Why choose Better Stop Suicide: Better Stop Suicide provides immediate crisis intervention resources and safety planning tools for individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviors. By offering access to support networks and educational materials, this app can be a vital resource in times of distress.

Image of Better Stop Suicide

9. PTSD Coach

📝Founded Year - 2011

🏢Headquarters - Washington, D.C

PTSD Coach is an app designed to provide support and resources for individuals coping with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It offers information on PTSD symptoms, self-assessment tools, coping strategies, and resources for seeking professional help.

This PTSD management app offers valuable educational resources on symptoms and coping strategies, complemented by self-assessment tools to monitor progress. Relaxation exercises and mindfulness practices, aid in symptom management and provide avenues for seeking professional help, including crisis intervention.

Its user-friendly interface enhances accessibility, featuring clear navigation and instructions. However, it may not suffice as a standalone intervention for severe PTSD symptoms, and customization options for coping strategies are somewhat limited. Active user engagement is necessary for effectiveness, which could pose challenges for those with limited access to technology or internet connectivity.

Why Choose PTSD Coach: PTSD Coach is a comprehensive app tailored for individuals managing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It provides essential information on symptoms, self-assessment tools, and effective coping strategies. PTSD Coach empowers users to gain deeper insights into their condition and offers connections to professional help, making it one of the top choices among mental health apps for managing PTSD effectively.

Image of PTSD Coach

10. Talkspace

📝Founded Year - 2012

🏢Headquarters - New York City, New York, U.S.

💰Total funding - $414 million

💰Revenue - $142 million

Talkspace is an online therapy platform that connects users with licensed therapists through messaging, video, and audio sessions. It offers flexible therapy options for individuals seeking support for various mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, and stress.

This online therapy platform provides convenient access to licensed therapists from home, offering flexible communication options and affordable rates. With a diverse pool of therapists and convenient scheduling, it caters to various needs. However, availability for live video sessions may vary, and some users may prefer in-person therapy. It may not be suitable for severe mental health conditions, and while the fees are reasonable, they can add up over time.

Why Select Talkspace: Talkspace positions itself from other best mental health applications by offering an online therapy platform that links clients with certified therapists. It provides cost-effective video, audio, and flexible messaging sessions. Talkspace ensures that access to expert mental health help is available, allowing people to comfortably get care from the comfort of their own homes.

Image of Talkspace


Mental health apps offer valuable resources and support for individuals looking to prioritize their well-being. Whether you’re seeking therapy, meditation guidance, mood improvement tools, or anxiety management techniques, there’s an app to suit your needs. From comprehensive health tracking to personalized therapy sessions, these apps provide convenient solutions to enhance your mental wellness. Take the first step towards better mental health today by exploring the options available and finding the app that works best for you.

Meet the Author
Manisha Khadge
Manisha Khadge, CMO Mindbowser

Manisha Khadge, recognized as one of Asia’s 100 power leaders, brings to the table nearly two decades of experience in the IT products and services sector. She’s skilled at boosting healthcare software sales worldwide, creating effective strategies that increase brand recognition and generate substantial revenue growth.

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