The telemedicine app development cost depends on a variety of factors, such as its features, development approach, development service provider, and compliance level.

The most basic app includes a patient app, virtual doctor apps, and an admin panel for a single platform. This version of telemedicine app development will cost you anywhere between $50,000 to $80,000, depending on the factors mentioned above.

If you choose to develop a feature-rich telemedicine app that has more functionality and complexity, your development costs can be around $150,000- 250,000. The average time taken for the development of a telemedicine app can vary between 3 to 12 months.

Key Factors Impacting the Cost of Telemedicine App Development

Since the healthcare industry has long followed the trend of mobile-based applications, telemedicine apps would enable doctors and patients to communicate effectively. The need for more personalized and efficient experiences with physicians has skyrocketed.

The cost of telemedicine app development depends on various aspects. The future of telemedicine is ready for even greater advancements, with ongoing innovation shaping the cost structure of telemedicine applications, as discussed below.

1. Platform

The platform you chose is the starting point for any telemedicine app development cost estimate. In terms of the operating system, there is a significant gap in construction costs. The cost of developing a doctor appointment app for Android is higher than for iOS since Android apps must be tested on different devices.

2. Design

The cost of a telemedicine app development greatly depends on the design of the application. For the smooth and appropriate functioning and working of the application, you need to prioritize design over money. The bigger the budget, the better the application design and user retention will be.

3. Size

The telemedicine software cost also depends on the size of the application. In general, the number of features added, like posts, patient databases, doctor databases, ongoing patient requests, and doctor recommendations, is what primarily determines the size of an app.

4. Add-on Technologies

The cost of telemedicine app development depends on the features. Add-ons such as Mobile Wallet or Uber Rides are available for doctor appointment apps. Add-ons are possible for third-party integrations. They have tangible benefits, but the development costs are certain to rise.

Top 10 Telehealth Growth Strategies that can Drive Growth for Your Telehealth Platform

Must-have Features on a Telemedicine App

In the long list of telemedicine app development features, listed below are some of the most important features that every telemedicine application should have catering to the three groups of users.

🔹 Patient Panel Module

Patients are the end-users of the application, so the features included in the telemedicine app development must be such that they make things easier for them. The telemedicine app should be uncomplicated, straightforward, and easy to use. A few features that are crucial for the application are laid out to increase the patients’ convenience.

telemedicine app development-Patient Panel Module
1. Sign Up/ Sign In

By following the minimum steps for signing up, patients can use the various features at their convenience.

2. Call and Chat Option

Patients and doctors should have an uninterruptible mode of communication, either via phone or chat.

3. Finding a Doctor/Clinic and

Booking an Appointment
Allow patients to locate a doctor or clinic in their area and book their appointments online.

4. Clinical Records

It is possible for patients to store and update prescriptions, medications, allergies, surgeries, and other medical information safely online.

5. Online Payments

Patients should be able to make online payments securely via various payment gateways.

6. Reviews and Ratings

Following their visit to the doctor, patients are encouraged to share their views and provide input on the treatment they received.

🔹 Doctor Panel Module

Doctors, being the service providers, need features that would help them provide their services hassle-free. The features in the doctor module should make it easier for doctors to interact with their patients. By communicating with patients via video call or chat, they can easily provide their services remotely.

telemedicine app development -Doctor Panel Module
1. Managing Profiles

The doctor’s name, address, photograph, specialty, and availability must all be included. Along with this, the option to edit the profile should also be available.

2. Appointment Management

After locating the appropriate medical provider, the patient must schedule an appointment using the app and provide information about health conditions and medical history, if possible. The program should automatically manage time slots and show whether one expert or another is open.

3. Patient Records and Medical History

With telemedicine software that stores, maintains data, and keeps a log of the patient-doctor interaction, healthcare providers have it simple. It is important to have a clinic management feature in the app because it serves as a base that stores patient records and medical history.

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Our 36-page eBook provides a comprehensive strategy you need to know while developing and scaling your telemedicine platform.

4. Digital Prescriptions

Healthcare providers should be able to administer prescriptions directly from the app. Patients may use these prescriptions to purchase medication or get other medical care at medical facilities.

🔹 Admin Panel Module

The Admin Module is the connector between the service seekers and the service providers. This panel is in charge of keeping track of all activities, storing user data, performing analysis, and generating reports. It keeps track of patient and doctor records, as well as financial and other important information.

Furthermore, it guarantees data protection for consumers by adhering to all regulations. The incorporation of all of the above functions seeks smooth and consistent functionality.

Cost of Telemedicine-Admin Panel Module

Benefits of Telemedicine Apps

According to McKinsey research, telemedicine usage has surged 38 times since pre-COVID-19. Tangible investment, favorable consumer perception, and strong uptake contribute to the growth of telehealth in 2022.

The potential benefits of telemedicine app development include increased accessibility to new services and productivity gains for healthcare providers and patients through reduced travel.

Let’s look at the top five telemedicine benefits and how they could transform the healthcare business in the next few years.

🔹 Comfort and Convenience

Patients can see their doctor from the comfort of a sofa or bed; they don’t need to travel to hospitals during peak hours, find a parking spot, and wait for their turn when sick. The use of virtual consultation may mean they don’t have to take time off from work or arrange childcare.

🔹 Reduced Overall Healthcare Costs

Home-bound patients who need monthly routine checkups can get medical help by tablet or phone without traveling through ambulances to the clinic. Saving their traveling costs as well as clinic support and front desk staff.

The study indicates that the average maintenance cost is reduced by 94% with reduced outpatient visits. The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) says it saves $86.64 every time an online visit replaces an onsite visit.

🔹 Improved Access to Information

Both patients and doctors have access to past diseases, treatments, the reasons for carrying out certain investigations, and the effects that treatment had. Empowering doctors in better decision-making

🔹 Effective Time Management for Doctors

Consultation through the app has increased overall efficiency by streamlining patients’ appointments so they don’t have to wait in a queue.

🔹 Easier Access to Healthcare

Patients in rural or remote areas can easily access a specialist. Doctors can refer patients to the specific specialists they need, regardless of their location. In the U.S., for every 100,000 rural patients, there are only 43 specialists available.

Disadvantages of Telemedicine Apps

With benefits, there are certain disadvantages to the use of telemedicine apps. Let’s go over them:

1. Technological Concerns for Healthcare Providers

Finding the right digital platform can be challenging, as the initial telemedicine app development cost seems attractive, but having your custom telemedicine platform developed would be more beneficial in the long run to avoid dependency on third-party platforms. Healthcare providers must also ensure they use HIPAA compliance and a secure platform that adheres to privacy laws.

2. Security

A leak of confidential patient data can be one of the major disadvantages of telemedicine apps which could be caused by to connection of untrusted sources or the sharing of information on the public network.

3. Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage is provided for telemedicine reimbursement in some states.

4. Internet Connectivity

Technology can fail – No matter how robust devices and internet connections are, they are immune to internet outages, overloaded servers, etc. Video reception will suffer if the internet connection is poor at either end, causing difficulty in diagnosing.

5. Lack of Interoperability with EHR Systems

One of the major challenges faced is the inability to generate, record, and analyze data.
For example, if a particular patient tends to visit multiple doctors for consultation and receives diverse advice, he goes through different tests at different hospitals, and all he has is a sheet of paper.

All the crucial patient data is scattered. Managing such scattered data effectively has always been a tedious task for healthcare organizations. A telemedicine platform that fits into the current workflow is another hurdle.

Technologies Used in Telemedicine Apps

🔸 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is affecting a wide range of industries, including telemedicine. AI in telemedicine app development is no longer confined to research labs; it has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Clinicians may use artificial intelligence to diagnose, track, and treat a wide range of illnesses.

The accuracy of diagnosis improves when remote monitoring is combined with AI and machine learning. AI may be the magic bullet that the telemedicine industry has been waiting for.

🔸 Internet of Things

Telemedicine and the IoT are combining in a major way to help provide high-quality healthcare to the elderly. Smarter devices are being released into the market at an ever-increasing pace by IoT researchers.

Take, for example, the Pillsy smart prescription bottle, which can be connected to an app. The bottle advises its owners to take their drugs on time, avoids double doses, and also warns loved ones if a patient is missing doses.

🔸 Remote Patient Monitoring

Using technology to gather health data from a patient in one location and safely transmit the information to medical staff in another location for recommendation and evaluation is known as remote patient monitoring (RPM).

Remote patient monitoring is more critical than ever during the coronavirus pandemic since it allows doctors to track key patient parameters without actually coming into contact with them.

🔸 Blockchain

Blockchain is a distributed archive of digital events shared in a peer-to-peer network and is written once and read only. Decentralization, encryption, and immutability are three key benefits of blockchain development applied to telemedicine.

Using blockchain entails storing data in stable, fragmented systems with a large amount of data. Only an agreed-upon party and a trustworthy patient would have access to the blockchain.

🔸 Machine Learning

The amount of health-related digital data produced by people and healthcare providers has increased at a rapid and exponential pace. Massive data sets, coupled with the rapid advancement of computational data science, including AI-based machine learning methods, present exciting opportunities for extracting new inferences and actionable insights with the potential to enhance health outcomes dramatically.

🔸 Cloud

The cloud has changed the way data is processed and retrieved through devices, and telemedicine is one of the many fields that has been affected. Cloud computing delivers important scalability, agility, and elasticity benefits, making it the ideal tool for providing healthcare IT services.

One of the major benefits of cloud storage is that doctors can now quickly connect to a cloud folder instead of emailing huge files over a network.

You can Check Out Our Video on HL7 Interoperability Standards below

Play Video about Thumbnail of This Will Change Your Perspective About Healthcare Interoperability through HL7 Standards

What All We've Covered?

In this video, we share a checklist to tackle data security issues in healthcare and create secure healthcare software.

🌟Problem before HL7

🌟Standardization with HL7

🌟Comprehensive coverage

🌟Message and resource standards

🌟Practical implementation

Why Mindbowser for Telemedicine App Development?

Mindbowser is a well-known healthcare technology provider that has led the industry by leveraging the power of healthcare software development and empowering many leading pharma and healthcare companies worldwide. Our experienced and highly competent team makes us the leading telemedicine app development company.


Telemedicine applications are gaining popularity as a viable replacement for in-person doctor visits. The technology makes it easier to provide healthcare and improves access to it for non-emergency situations.

Patients can save time and money by using video and chat for online consultations, while doctors can boost their efficiency and income.

A telehealth network allows hospitals and physicians to offer seamless operation and treatment to patients from a distance. Also, you will save some money by lowering the overhead and the cost of operating a clinic. Telehealth applications are perfect for filling in the gaps in global healthcare.

Check out Mindbowser’s offerings in healthcare here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a telemedicine app?

Creating a telemedicine app involves several key steps. Establish your app’s goals and features first, taking into account the needs of both patients and doctors. Next, select a development team, create the user interface, and incorporate crucial features like secure data storage and video conferencing. Finally, to provide effective and accessible virtual healthcare, thoroughly test your app’s usability and security before releasing it.

How much does it cost to build a telemedicine app?

The cost of building a telemedicine app varies depending on its complexity and features. In general, telemedicine apps can cost between $40,000 and $55,000 depending on their complexity and features. A high-complexity custom app with advanced features can cost upwards of $90,000 to $200,000. The complexity of your app, its design, the location of your development team, and the features you want to add all affect costs. For development costs to be managed effectively, careful planning and consideration of these factors are crucial.

What are the benefits of telemedicine app development?

There are numerous benefits to developing a telemedicine app, especially for patients in remote areas. Patients can consult with healthcare professionals from the comfort of their homes, saving time and money. Additionally, telemedicine apps facilitate more efficient healthcare delivery, improve patient engagement, and enable timely interventions, particularly during emergencies. Overall, telemedicine app development provides a convenient and effective way to receive medical care.

How much does it cost to develop a doctor-on-demand app and key features?

It depends on factors such as features, complexity, and development team how much it costs to develop a Doctor On Demand app. Simple apps with basic features may cost around $40k to $5k, while highly complex apps with advanced functions may cost between $90k and $200k. Registration for patients and doctors, video conferencing for remote consultations, appointment scheduling, secure payment options, and an easy-to-use interface are typically included. Depending on your specific requirements and your choice of development team, the final cost will vary.

Meet the Author
Manisha Khadge
Manisha Khadge, CMO, Mindbowser

Manisha Khadge, recognized as one of Asia’s 100 power leaders, brings to the table nearly two decades of experience in the IT products and services sector. She’s skilled at boosting healthcare software sales worldwide, creating effective strategies that increase brand recognition and generate substantial revenue growth.

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